Expert Lab Team التطبيقات

Vegan Recipes 1.5
Expert Lab Team
Find easy vegetarian and vegan meals for eating healthy
Childcare Tips 2.0
Expert Lab Team
What does every new parent need? Support.Advice. Reminders. Reasons to laugh. Keep it all by your side 24/7,along with a personalized app, helpful topics. The free Baby app ishere to help you simplify daily life and be the best parentpossible through each stage of your little one’s development. Andit’s brought to you by experts.Childcare or baby app:Whether you're looking for a great daycare, babysitter, nanny,or other childcare, you're in the right place. Check out the prosand cons of different childcare options, see how much you'll spend,and learn the telltale signs of good and bad home daycares, daycarecenters, nannies, and babysitters.Baby app includes all this and more:✔ A personalized app for your baby’s development✔ A helpful checklist.✔ Answers for when you wonder, “Is this normal?”✔ Information on your baby’s health and safety✔ Suggested activities for your baby.✔ Advice on care and feeding✔ Bonus for taking care of yourself too✔ Tips for the safety of kids✔ childecare basics✔ babysitters✔ Daycare Centers✔ Daycare center director✔ How to find good daycare✔ Home Daycare✔ Signs of a good home daycare✔ Home daycare provider interview✔ Nanny Care✔ Nanny Interview Sheet✔ Nanny shares✔ Relative Caregivers✔ Relative care - should i payYou can always trust the experts.It’s free! Get the app now
Beauty Tips 3.0
Expert Lab Team
Beauty Tips contains the top interesting and useful beauty tips --concisely written for quick and easy review. These beauty tips arecarefully referenced from the top beauty experts around -- frommakeup artists to nutritionists, from medical doctors to registereddietitians. Learn from their wisdom. And enjoy! Beauty Tips maycover the following beauty topics: - Skin Care Tips - Hair CareTips - Nail Care Tips - Lip Tips - Eye Care Tips - Eye Makeup Tips- Eyebrows Tips - Beauty Foods Tips *Mistakes That Age you (part 1to 3). *Get Flawless Skin Naturally. *HAIR CONDITIONER FACTS *HowOften Should You Really Wash Your Hair? *Beauty experts addressyour most bewildering beauty issues *Ways to FINALLY Lose StubbornBelly Fat *Natural Hair care- to keep your hair , healthy, shinyand strong. *Skin care Remedies *get Flawless Skin. * Secrets fromexperts that few people ever know about... Features: *Read itanywhere no Internet needed *Sharing any content from this appthrough e-mail and SMS is available. Share your favorite tips withyour friends and contacts.------------------------------------------ This app does notcontain all beauty tips,otherwise you will discover the best of thetips. ------------------------------------------ Ps:Should you haveany question, email us at for more apps,visit our BLOG
Motivation Quotes 1.1
Expert Lab Team
Positive Quotes
Pregnancy Weight Loss 2.5
Expert Lab Team
How to Lose Weight While Pregnant Losing weight while you'repregnant is generally not advised by medical professionals — evenoverweight and obese women are almost always advised to gain weightduring pregnancy. However, there are things you should do toprevent yourself from gaining unnecessary weight during yourpregnancy. Here's what you should know. The app contains -Diet-Know when weight loss may occur. -Talk to your doctor or dietician-Understand your caloric needs. -Unhealthy foods -Vitamins -Smallmeals -Healthy diet -Healthy snacks -Light exercise -6 WeekPregnancy Weight Loss (after Pregnancy- Partner Product) Afterpregnancy : The 6 Week Pregnancy Weight Loss contains : “Fed Up andFrustrated Moms Discover an Amazing New Weight Loss Program to MeltAway Up To 20 pounds of Fat and Up To 6 Inches Off Their Waists in42 Days.” Get Ready to Lose More Belly Fat and Inches With a NEWWay to Workout That Gives You a New Body in Just 6 Weeks, AllWithout Doing Hours and Hours of Cardio Every Week. How you feel? •Do you stand in front of the mirror and not even recognize the bodystanding before you? • Are you wearing maternity clothes eventhrough your baby is no longer a newborn? • Do people assume you’restill pregnant and ask you when you’re due? • Would you rather diethan put on a bathing suit? • Do you have a closet full ofpre-pregnancy clothes you cannot wear? • Do you feel uncomfortablebeing naked in front of your significant other? • Do you findyourself hiding your belly with baggy clothes, a pillow on thecouch, or even your baby? • Are you too exhausted and overwhelmedto even think about exercise and nutrition? If you answered YES toeven just ONE of these questions, please know that it’s not yourfault. Did you hear me? IT’S NOT YOUR FAULT! Most moms feelmiserable about their postpartum bodies. But it doesn’t have to bethat way. YOU CAN BE A HOT MAMA! You don‘t have to settle for alife of elastic waistbands and oversized sweatshirts. YOU CAN HAVEAN AMAZING POST BABY BODY IN JUST 6 WEEKS! The best part? YOU CANHAVE IT IN AS LITTLE AS 2 HOURS A WEEK! Any of these soundsfamiliar? The fish diet: Fish for dinner every night. Very stinkyhouse. The cabbage soup diet: All-you-can-eat broth and cabbage,yum! Weight Watchers: Lifetime Member. She took me for the firsttime when I was in the 5th grade. Moms should feel and look STRONG!Moms should be ROLE MODELS for their children. (No cabbage soupdiets, please!) Moms should LOVE their bodies – even their curves .. . actually, especially their curves! A mom who loves her body isa happier mom, a healthier mom and a better spouse. Isn’t this whatyou want for yourself? • Yes,I’m ready to say Bye-Bye to my babybelly and lose 4-8 inches off my waist in 6 weeks! • Yes,I’m readyto lose 15-25 pounds in 6 weeks! • Yes,I’m ready to build lean,toned muscles in my arms, legs and buns! • Yes,I’m ready to firm upand flatten my belly, lose the pooch and shrink my waist! • Yes,I’mready to become a lean, mean, calorie burning machine! • Yes,I’mready to have sky high energy all day long! • Yes,I’m ready toregain my confidence and feel sexy again! • Yes,I’m ready to be aHot Mama! Over the next 6 weeks you will learn: • How to burn morecalories all day long, even while you’re sleeping • The ONLY twoways to stimulate your metabolism • Why long cardio sessions are acomplete waste of your time • What ab exercises will make your babybelly WORSE • What ab exercises will make your baby belly flat andfirm • The 7 Secrets responsible for 90% of my clients weight loss• Why you must eat carbs and fat (yahoo!!!) Check out now the app,it's Free.
Positive Quotes & sayings 1.5
Expert Lab Team
Get inspired and motivated everyday with the best quotes
Fasting diets 1.0
Expert Lab Team
Fasting diets plans
Paleo Diet Recipes 2.0
Expert Lab Team
270 easy paleo diet recipes,+6 SPECIAL BONUSES
Yoga 2.8
Expert Lab Team
Best yoga poses for all.
Belly Fat Exercises 1.1
Expert Lab Team
Fat-Burning Ab Exercises to reduce Belly Fat
Pregnancy Exercises 1.0
Expert Lab Team
Pregnancy Exercise and Nutrition is vital for the health of momandbaby. Now is the most crucial time to get your health in ordersoyou can have the healthiest and happiest baby andpregnancypossible. Prevent pains, aches, nausea, cramping, morningsicknessand excess weight gain with the ONLY system proven to helpwomenenjoy their pregnancy and create a healthy baby. Performallexercises at least three times a week, on alternate days, on afirm(but not too hard) surface, such as an exercise mat. Performthemin the following order. Be sure to breathe normally duringallexercises; don't hold your breath. During abdominal exercises,itmay be easier to exhale on exertion, that is, inhale when youaredown and exhale briskly as you perform the lift. Thefollowingexercises work all major muscle groups. Don't skip any!KeyFeatures : Squat Stretch Chest Muscle Exercise Squats WallPressStep Ups Side Lunge Forward Lunge Forward bend NeckRotationHamstring Lift Inner Thigh Lift Outer Thigh Lift PelvicThrustDromedary Droop Pelvic Tilt **Disclaimer: Of course, yourdoctor’spermission for exercise is essential as there canbecontraindications to exercise during pregnancy. Additionally,themost important thing you can do is tune in to your body andgiveyourself some grace. Be aware of what your body is telling you–does that exercise feel good? Keep it up. Doesn’t feel sogood?Probably best to stop and adjust.
Back Pain Yoga Poses 1.0
Expert Lab Team
Back Pain Yoga Poses can help you to avoid lower back pain &belly fat
Bodybuilding Workout 3.2
Expert Lab Team
Bodybuilding is the perfect tool to get a healthy and strong body,get it now.
Baby Food Recipes 1.0
Expert Lab Team
Learn to become a head chef for a very special little customer
Chest exercises 3.0
Expert Lab Team
Build Your Best Chest: This is the ultimate guide for your chestworkout
Stretching Exercises 2.0
Expert Lab Team
stretching should become a part of your exercise routine.
Fat Burning Food 1.2
Expert Lab Team
The Bible Of Fat Burning Food Choices And Healthy Eating.Unsurpassed Quality..
Positive Thinking 3.0
Expert Lab Team
Positive Thinking app
Shoulder workouts 1.0
Expert Lab Team
Want to take your shoulders to the next level? use our simpleroutines
Ball Exercises 3.0
Expert Lab Team
Ball Exercises contains detailed instructions & video developedby experts
CrossFitness Training 2.0
Expert Lab Team
CrossFitness Training app is your best companion for daily Workouts
Low Calorie Recipes 1.0
Expert Lab Team
Cook something tasty while remaining Healthy
Arms Exercises 2.0
Expert Lab Team
Get bigger arm now with this app.The Best Arms Exercises of AllTime